Catalyst CT
Catalyst CT, formerly Regional Youth Adult Social Action Partnership (RYASAP), works to ensure the safe and healthy development of youth, young adults, and families by actively engaging organizations, public officials, and community leaders around issues that matter most to the community.
Catalyst CT spent the past year advancing critical areas of the business plan they developed in partnership with CTOP’s technical assistant consultant, Rainmaker. This work included a full back-office system migration that included transitioning productivity environments, performing several design and utilization updates to their data system, and remapping their financial management infrastructure to improve programmatic budget management as well as financial reporting to their Board. These system improvements were accompanied by expert-led trainings to support adoption and utilization of the new features made available to staff.
The StreetSafe team, Catalyst CT’s violence intervention and prevention program, participated in the Roca Impact Institute’s Rewire training to structure their thinking, approach, and monitoring of youth development through the rigorous use of cognitive-behavioral techniques. StreetSafe uses relentless outreach to connect with young people at the center of community violence, either as victims or contributors. The transformational relationships they form with young people serve as the vehicle for aiding those young people in building the skills to improve emotional regulation and re-engage in those prosocial resources that will allow them to achieve self-sufficiency and agency. As Catalyst CT and StreetSafe look to the future of the partnership with CTOP, they look to redesign their program with enhanced service delivery improving the outcomes they achieve with young people in Bridgeport.
As a true partner, CTOP consistently looks for opportunities to support and improve Catalyst CT as an organization from operations to programming to help us maximize impact on our community. We have benefited both on the day-to-day operational improvements as well as long-term strategic thinking.