Logo for: Connecticut Opportunity Project

A Continuum of Disconnection

Continuum graphic
  • On Track

    Young adults aged 14-26 who are engaged in prosocial institutions and on-track for gainful employment

  • At Risk

    High school students who are at risk of not graduating and, therefore, also at risk for eventual disconnection.

    Off-track: Students who do not meet state credit attainment requirements

    At-risk due to other factors: Students who exhibit concerning rates of absenteeism and/or behavioral issues

    Severely off-track: Students who are both off-track and at risk due to other factors

  • Disconnected

    Young adults aged 14-26 who are not engaged in prosocial institutions and/or not on-track for gainful employment.

    Moderately disconnected: (1) High school diploma holders who are neither employed nor in postsecondary and (2) high school non-graduates who are employed

    Severely disconnected: Young adults who are not employed, have not attained a high school diploma/equivalent and/or are incarcerated